New Tech Aviation
KPSK Airport- Dublin, Virginia
Call or Text: 540-250-1835 or email: newtechaviation@gmail.com or CFIRandy@gmail.com or dpeRandy@gmail.com

Flight Instructor-
Michael Birmingham

Owner, Chief Flight Instructor Randy McCallister-DPE

Flight Instructor- Shyam Neupane

“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return”
leonardo da vinci
New Tech Aviation

Learn to FLY HERE!
We offer complete FAA Part 61 training programs in Recreational, Private, Instrument, and Commercial License Certificates
ALSO: Flight Reviews and ICC for existing pilots

Cessna 172
Cessna 172 Aircraft are our preferred training aircraft but our professional instructors can instruct in any aircraft

My Time Machine
Wherever you want to go, flying is so much faster. Not only that, when you arrive, you arrive refreshed. Driving can be boring, tiring, and takes much longer to get there. “Flying really is my time machine”.
Office Phone: 540-440-1382
Call 540-250-1835 for info